Tech Workers Club

General Membership

Pay once, access your membership forever.

Engage with now over 25k+ tech workers around the world to learn, build a successful career, network, and keep a pulse on industry trends.

"Forget LinkedIn—Your Next Job Offer Could Come via Slack" - Wall Street Journal

Engage With Hiring Managers

Directly engage with hiring managers and recruiter members of the best tech companies in the world (Startups, Fortune 500, FAANG) and get yourself a new job.

Exclusive Career Workshops

Access monthly workshops with experts, leaders, career coaches, recruiters, and more to help you better navigate the tech industry and grow professionally. And get access to the recordings anytime.

Ask the Community

A safe place to ask the community and leading experts for advice or request community feedback on your resume, LinkedIn profile, job offers, and more.

Build Your Network

Participate in our networking matchmaker to get automatic intros with similar tech industry professionals. Easily schedule time with your matches if you chose to share ideas, build and curate your personal network, or just to socialize with like-minded peers.

**No refunds are issued at this time**

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