Wayfinder Guild

Dice & Digital (Beta): The DIY Tabletop Marketer's Exclusive Community

Unlock the Power of Community - Join the Wayfinder Guild Beta Program

  • Exclusive Weekly Q&A Sessions: Dive deep into the world of game marketing with our experts. Have your burning questions answered every week.
  • Interactive Training Workshops: Gain hands-on experience with live sessions designed to teach you the ins and outs of effective marketing strategies.
  • Direct Access to Marketing Professionals: Our dedicated Discord channels allow you to reach out to our team anytime for personalized advice on your marketing and ad campaigns.
  • Peer Support: Engage with a community of like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and get feedback on your marketing efforts.
  • Early Access to Cutting-Edge Tactics: Stay ahead of the curve with insights into the latest marketing trends and tools, tailored specifically for the tabletop game industry.
  • Resource Library: Continuously growing content including tutorials, case studies, and best practices, all derived from our training sessions.
  • Beta Member Pricing: Join now for the exclusive price of $300/month and lock in your membership as we expand and enhance the community's offerings.
  • Shape the Future: As a beta member, your feedback will directly influence the evolution of the Wayfinder Guild, making it a community that truly understands and meets your needs.
  • Commitment to Growth: We're in beta, which means we're constantly looking to improve. Your journey to marketing mastery grows with us.
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