
Yes! Crypto is more than just holding your assets! Much more than that!

Contrary to popular belief, you can earn much more on your assets - more than the 0.1% APY your bank gives you or the 5% APY you’re getting for staking rewards.

I’m talking earning 20%, 50% and yes even 1000% on your assets and it’s all possible and sustainable through well calculated and limited Liquidity mining programs.

Decentralized Finances opens up a whole new galaxy of utility to your existing tokens, instead of them gathering dust in your cold wallet, you can send them to work 24/7.

That allows you to gain an edge in the markets through various ways:

  1. Lowering your downside risk by always earning 2 to 3 digits APY on your assets.
  2. Generating a new passive income stream - convert your daily/weekly/monthly earnings into fiat or even better compound them.
  3. Earning crypto on your stable coins during bear markets! Increasing your crypto holdings without any market volatility.
  4. Getting exposure to new projects in various ecosystems (Fantom, Harmony, Avax, Luna)

Getting into Defi - was the ‘AHA’ moment for me - realizing that banks are going to be the things of the past.

A bad memory of a time you had to get authorization to use your own money, or paying ridiculous fees and interest for borrowing, while being discriminated against by your nationality, credit score, profession etc...

Now I am generating real revenue out of my assets - no matter if it’s a bull market or a bear market, I will always be farming to generate revenue on my assets.

What are the group benefits?

  • Weekly private videos - I will be discussing which farms I'm looking at and rotating to while being fully transparent on my portfolio changes.
  • Real time buy/sell signals - if I buy something you know it first and same goes if I'm selling something.
  • Immediate and full access to the existing private videos and step by step farming guides, entire updated portfolio.
  • Gated Discord community with other Alpha Aliens, all with the mutual interest of being fully sustainable through crypto.
  • Monthly Live AMA, private interviews and live streams.

Being fully transparent here! As soon as you join you get full access to the previous content that was published, therefore there will be NO REFUNDS - allowing refunds would give people the option to abuse the system. You can cancel any time!

Is this for you?

If you want to gain an edge over the markets and generate a new sustainable passive income stream it does… however to really get into it and understand the potential you aft to have “a dog in the fight”

Doing so will give you hands-on experience in farming, bridging, rotations and finance - all while getting a deeper understanding of tokenomics, token utilities and their price effect.

Being in this group means - you will have the purest hands-on information - that will save you time and minimize your risk of making mistakes.

Looking forward to see you inside,


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